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Santanaesque Raw Mix

My first real jam with Pro Tools, adding guitar parts to santanaesque from Backing Track @ GWR.

I added a rhythm guitar, made up a guitar melody (to keep the song from sounding like ten verses of solo), and two guitar solo takes. I haven't played in 15+ years, and my fingers are trying to remember how to move, but this is so much fun.

First Reason Loop

First of all, I suck at playing keyboards. This little loop is to demonstrate how easy it is to create a groove with Reason. The drums are a drum loop (Chm03_Blockrock_125_eLAB) loaded into the Dr:rex loop player. The bass is the Bass Guitar patch loaded into the Subtractor synthesizer. I made up the bass line to fit the drum loop. The synth pad is the Moody pad patch loaded into another Subtractor synthesizer. Again I made up the pad chords to fit the bass line. And the lead is the 24dBleadScream mono synth patch loaded into the Malstrom synthesizer. I just improvised the solo to the mix and kept the first take (hey, it can't get much better). Added some digital reverb and delay to each channel in varying degrees and exported to a WAV file (then converted to MP3). The whole thing was very easy to do, and this is exciting as a way to compose music by quickly laying down backing tracks to ideas I'm playing around with.

chriskilgore.com © 2005